Saturday, April 19, 2008

My first attempt...from a thousand miles away..

How to start this im not quite sure,but here goes..basically im Lisa"s fiancee/other half.She is my dream come true and EVERYTHING I could ever want and now she has invited me to be a part of her online journal,something im a bit nervous about.

Unfortunately due to an unforseen passport issue we are now a couple of thousand km apart from each other,and this is driving me insane!!As most people will know the SA Home Office is not exactly,shall we say fast/friendly/efficient..

So far the better part of my 1st week in good old freezing England has been spent in a bit of a daze.Probably still from the shock of leaving Lees behind and being uncertain as to the exact date of her arrival.Although hard this seperation has had its benifits,hey Lees?;).I have been keeping busy,started a new job at an Independant school near Northampton called Spratton Hall in the little village of Spratton.Ive also managed to find accomadation in the form of a 2Bed teerraced house in the village of Walgrave which is everything id hoped for,which is a house in the middle of nowhere,surrounded by farms,all we have is one pub and a couple of stone houses,oh and a stunning stone chapel..Slowly ive been setting the house up,getting the neccesary utensils,furniture etc(which has proved challenging)so that when my fiancee does arrive she can simply add her touch and settle in easily.

One of my hobies is people watching and after todays shopping trip which included,a dvd,books,a printer/scanner/copier and medicine I decided to spend an hour on one of the benches in the shopping centre and simply just watch the world goodbye..needless to say this lasted about 15min before I got sick of it,the culture here is just so different,your average shopper never seems to have a lift going to the top floor and the amount of 15yr olds pushing prams is MINDBLOWING!!So I packed my stuff and headed back to Walgrave!

Now im sitting here in freezing conditions(British spring)drinking a double rum,poured by my friend,better known as King Barny,wondering what this week holds and hoping it brings good news.Its also probably time to get supper ready and move on to a slightly smoother drink,a glass of red wine and relax and enjoy the rest of this evening.So this brings my first attempt at adding to contemplating my navel to an end.

Poka C..

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